Sunday, April 01, 2007

Experimenting with a new blog

I am feeling MUCH better now! I've been trying to post pics to this blog with many difficulties. I am trying a new place to blog so check it out:)

Friday, December 22, 2006

Cell phone vs clothes washer

I've been grieving over a recent cell phone tragedy. A cell phone, no matter how dirty, does not come out of a normal wash cycle functioning properly. Drying it with a hair dryer for 2 hours after doesn't seem to help either. (It's really dry now at least!) I'm hoping for some sort of Christmas miracle. I've been a really good mom and wife this year, so maybe Santa can fix my wireless mishap.

We are otherwise enjoying our time in CA. Adam and I have been sick. He's on the mend and I'm in the middle of a drippy nose and a bit of a tickle in my throat. Belle seems to want her 2 year molars for Christmas and has been a bit fussy. Emily is enjoying playing with grandparents and cousins and is keeping happy and healthy so far.

So this holiday season, please keep your cell phones away from washing machines or at least away from me when I'm in a clothes washing frenzy.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Pre-Thanksgiving feast

Here are some fun pics of our pre-Thanksgiving. We spent Thanksgiving with the Tuckers this year and the kids had a GREAT time playing. I almost felt neglectful since I hardly interacted with the kids during the visit. I would have just been in the way, so I busied myself with adult conversation and interaction which was fun too.
The wild kids enjoyed their turkey.
I finally got a picture of Adam without him posing like a monster or something other than himself. Doesn't he look subdued? Must be the tryptophan from the turkey kicking in.

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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Belle's as smart as a chimp... Or is she?

Belle loves the squeeze mustard bottle. (Actually any container with a flip top she loves. Desitin, A & D ointment... Yuck!) I usually let her have it for a minute if she has managed to squeeze into the fridge behind an older child which is what happened today. Today she managed to insert a pen into the squeeze top and then took it out and licked the mustard off. She was just squatting on the floor focused on her new found skill enjoying the tasty mustard. As she did this, I pictured in my head a little chimp sittling at a termite mound fishing out termites with a stick!

Well, this evening, Emily took down a green glass ornament located out of Belle's reach from the tree. Belle found it... I saw her with it walking towards me and as I was coming to get it from her, she took a BITE out of it and started CRUNCHING it like a carrot!!! After a quick extraction of the glass pieces, she was more mad at me laying her on the counter and messing with her mouth than the pieces of the glass that had cut her tougue and her lip.

So now I'm not sure, is she a chimp or a goat?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Halloween 2006

Halloween was fun. We first had an activity at Emily's preschool. We've gone to it the past 3 years. It's a "Walk through the Countryside." There are different stations to visit on your walk through the "countryside." They got to jump over haystacks, forage for acorn "money", grind wheat and visit the baker for a baked goodie.
Inside the kids played bite the apple piece off the string, pin the face on the jack-o-lantern and listened to a story about the naughty hobgoblin. I liked doing this because it's Halloween on a much gentler level for little kids who could really do without the strong images associated with Halloween. Adam and Emily look forward to it each year.
After, Adam and Emily went out with dad this year. It was quite freezing this year and so we had only a handful of trick-or-treaters. Michael said Adam and Emily ran from house to house to stay warm. He also said that he saw many kids being driven to clusters of houses with lights on and then drive on to the next cluster.
Belle and I handed out candy. She was pretty tired after the preschool event and I don't think she would have liked the whole be in the dark outside freezing to get candy her mommy wouldn't let her eat anyway.
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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Looking back 1 year later

It's one year since Adam was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Here he is in PICU.
Adam thought that getting to eat hot dogs, sugar-free lemonade while watching videos and playing with new toys the Child Life people from the hospital brought was pretty great. In fact, we had a rather difficult time getting him to leave the hospital.
Adam wanted me to take various pictures before we left. This was one of them. He actually had and IV in each arm for a couple of days.

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Won't you be my neighbor?

We have such great neighbors! They just got a new 50 inch plasma TV and who did they give their 2 year old 42 inch plasma to? US!!! It was "broken" but all it needs is a small fan running behind it to keep the screen from blinking red after 15 minutes. Small price to pay for a FREE huge TV. Movie watching has taken on a whole new meaning around here :)